
Obtaining Your Child’s Immunization Records If You Do Not Have Them

There are several options you may choose from in searching for your record: (1) There may be a record of your immunizations in GRITS, the Georgia Registry of Immunization Transactions and Services. The registry is not all-inclusive or comprehensive but may be helpful. To request this information, call 1-888-523-8076; FAX your request to 404-657-7496; or send an email to [email protected]. Identification will be requested and you will need to have this information available. (2) Contact the health care provider who administered your last immunizations and request your record from them. (3) Call the last school you attended to see if they still have your immunization certificate on file. (4) If you had your immunizations administered in a public health clinic in Georgia, contact the County Health Department in the county the clinic was located in.

Cite: Immunization FAQ | Georgia Department of Public Health(

Do I need to have a copy of my child’s immunizations? This is on file at my doctor’s office, plus the school has this information.

Yes, having a personal immunization record is very important. Records can be lost, misfiled, or the doctor could retire and then records become unattainable. There are a number of times in a person’s life when immunization records become important: registering for college, regardless of age; joining the military; or traveling abroad, to name a few. You should take your child’s immunization record with you on every visit to the clinic or doctor’s office and be sure to get it updated if immunizations are administered. Also, ask your doctor to enter your child’s shot record into GRITS.

Cite: Immunization FAQ | Georgia Department of Public Health(