Volunteer Confidentiality

Miracle Foundation of Arts and Academics Volunteer Confidentiality

The ideal Volunteer …

Miracle Foundation School of Arts and Academics

As working relationships develop with students, students will begin to trust you and may start to confide in you. You should take time to listen and show them that you care about them.  However, do not make a promise you cannot keep. If a student reveals information relating to a possible abusive situation, let the student know that you care and are there to listen but that you are required to pass this information on to a teacher, counselor, social worker, or principal who can offer them help. There is also a chance that someone may already have insight into
the situation, which could help you to understand and work better with a specific student.

Federal and State law requires school districts to inform personnel who may be working with students and/or working with information regarding students, especially students with special needs, of laws regarding confidentiality. Confidentiality refers to the privacy of information regarding these students. There are very tight legal regulations regulating what information may be shared about a student. As a volunteer of the school district, you may have access to information, either verbally or on paper about students, which must be held in strictest confidence and privacy. This information may be essential for you to know in order to work more effectively with that particular individual. It is only for that purpose that this information is shared. This information is not to be shared with others outside of the classroom or school, as it is information that is private and personal, and of no business or concern to others. If you should share such information, it is considered a breach of confidentiality.

Personal information about yourself should be shared only as it is relevant to the work you are doing with students. Avoid giving personal contact information such as your address, telephone, and email address.